Monday, November 26, 2007

What's to Come...

Aye, after some disappointing nights in the field, I’ve been regrouping and reconfiguring my approach/avatar. I feel like I’m on the verge of a break through in my game, I just need one last push. I’m at the point where I don’t feel like I can learn much more from PUA literature; I simply need to refine what I know and start mercilessly applying it in the field.

Sooo here’s what I’m thinking:

I keep a “journal” of sorts on my computer where I outline every piece of PU-related reading material I get my hands on. I’m a compulsive nerd who deconstructs everything and rearranges the pieces how I see fit. It’s a habit I picked up in graduate school.

Anyway, I plan on reorganizing and rewriting my “journal” and creating two parts: theory and application. Theory will include everything I’ve read, learned, field-tested, and believe works. Application will include every canned routine, opener, DHV-story, etc. I’ve plagiarized or written, found or created.

I hope this little exercise will focus my goals/attention and perhaps be useful to someone (or everyone) in this little community. Look for it mid- to end week.

In the meantime, I have plenty of writing to get done…


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