Friday, September 26, 2008

Weekend missions

Today, 02:28 PM
The Judge The Judge is online now
NycSargeTeam Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 134
Default It's the freakin' weekned

Yo --

I have exactly 2 minutes to type this up as my boss is sharking around, looking to bust me.

Okay, weekend mission: In addition to what we already gave you (must continue the singing/opening), you have an additional assignment for night game.

1.) You must go to a bar at 10 o'clock preferably by yourself and learn the name of EVERY person in the bar by introducing yourself. You may leave the bar after you've learned everyone's name, HOWEVER you must provide a COMPLETE list of everyone's name in your FR. If you forget someone's name, you must reopen them and find it out. Again, the ONLY opener you are allowed to use is, "Hey, my name's (your name)" and go from there. If a guy's acting like a dick, I don't care. Find out his fucking name.

2.) You open 1 girl with, "Hey I thought you were adorable and I HAD to meet you."

3.) You purposely blow yourself out 5 times. It can be as simple as saying, "Hi." and standing there awkwardly until girl leave.

Go. Bring back seared chode flesh. Write FR. Make me and Zak proud.

But that man who sets himself the task of singling out the thread of order from the tapestry will by the decision alone have taken charge of the world and it is only by such taking charge that he will effect a way to dictate the terms of his own fate.

Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian

Monday, September 22, 2008

Week one: Missions

Will update this blog in more detail soon. For now, Golden assigned the boys their first week of missions:

NycSargeTeam Member

Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: NYC
Posts: 123
Default Bootcamp

Gentlemen, you have all expressed interest in doing a bootcamp with myself and TheJudge. We have discussed it, and decided that we want to give back to the community so to speak. That being said we don’t expect any money from you guys. All we expect is that you push yourselves, do exactly what we say, and demand nothing but the best from yourselves. We are certainly going to push you guys past what you currently believe is your “pain” threshold. It is not because we want to be dicks, but it is because we honestly know what it is going to take to bring you guys to the next level.

Here are your first missions for the week, each is to be done seriously and written down in a notebook with your thoughts and comments about how it went down, and the feelings you experienced in your body during the course of the interaction. Some of these missions may seem strange to you but I assure you we are not doing this simply to embarrass you. These are all things that we have done and truly believe will help us to improve your game.

1) Forget everything you know, have experienced, or think you know about game, gaming, girls, etc.
2) Approach one girl a day singing one of the following songs: Airsupply “All Out of Love,” Michael Jackson “Thriller,” or Rick James “Super Freak.”
3) Do 2 approaches per day using ZERO canned material or routines. These are to be taken as far as possible. Do not eject until you are asked to leave or she walks away. If she is still there, you continue to talk. Rather than game the girl, you are to behave 100% normal and smooth (whatever your current notion of these concepts may be). No gaming aside, you should also be trying to move the interaction forward not by gaming, but by suggesting you get coffee, exchange numbers, facebook, whatever. NORMAL.
4) Finally, you are to read each of these posts by Alex~ (RSD instructor) over the course of the week as they will be your guide to what we will be teaching you.

We look forward to getting down to it. Again, we are going to push you guys fairly hard, but that being said, we are not going to put you in any danger, or any situation that we can’t handle (what you do on your own is on your shoulders). TheJudge and myself have committed to you guys which means you can expect nothing but our very best. If you follow what we say, there is no reason you guys won’t be pulling by the time we’re thru. Good luck gentlemen, results are due by next Sunday at the latest with detailed accounts of each day. If you have not been keeping up, it will be very apparent to us. Enjoy and happy hunting.

The Judge
NycSargeTeam Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 120
Default Re: Bootcamp

Originally Posted by SpongeWorthy

Also, which posts by RSD Alex are you referring to?


Read EVERYTHING on there. If you've already read it, you must read the entire blog again. Literally every post. Every word. Study every picture.

Originally Posted by SpongeWorthy

Where do you want me to record my journal? I would like to write a detailed report every day. The Judge said he had a private blog. Can I just start a thread in the field reports section, or even a blogger blog, or do you guys not want anyone else to know we are doing this?

Starting a thread in the FR section is fine. In fact, SW since you were the first to respond, I'm assigning you the task of creating the thread (give it a cool me with your creativity). We'll update the pre-BC challenge on there, so everyone post their mission results on that thread.

Secondly, as Golden pointed out, these missions are to HELP you. Both Golden and I have serenaded more babes on the street than anyone else in NYC. (Quick sidenote: You can also sing Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" as well)
Also, one of you (if not all of you) probably will get laid on BC. This isn't some BS promise or me blowing smoke up your asses. GC and I know the signs when girls are ready to get pulled and we're going to push you to act on it. Ultimately it's going to come down to a.) how hard you push yourself, b.) how much you want it. The more you put into this experience, the more you'll get out of it. I promise GC and I are going to put 100 percent, everything we got into this. We expect the same from you guys.

I know you boys are gonna make us proud...

...Now get out there and start singing!

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Operation Kill Chode

From my NYC Sarge outbox:

Alright. So here's the deal.

I logged onto NYC Sarge this morning and had PMs from all 4 of you. If I'm not mistaken, you all are committed to getting this part of your life handled at all costs. If I'm wrong, stop reading now.


Let me tell you a quick story. Almost 1 year ago to this day, there was a chode who just broke up with his girlfriend and came to the same realization as you guys. That chode said "FUCK THIS, no more" and decided he was going to get this part of his life handled, regardless of the embarrassment, pain, suffering, social alienation, time, effort, blood, swear, tears he had to put in, it was GOING to happen. This chode emailed a local pickup instructor and asked him for guidance. He couldn't afford the tution of bootcamp so he simply wrote a letter, trying to convey his passion for self-development, and hoped the pickup instructor would understand and help him. And the pickup instructor did. He took this chode out and destroyed him. Pushed him into sets he thought were impossible, demonstrated for him things that blew his reality, broke him down and then built him back up a sex-worthy guy.

That chode was me.

Therefore, I feel I owe it to you guys, as this is my 1-year anniversary in finding this stuff, to do the same for you. I'm going to give you guys a weekend bootcamp. In terms of money, this bootcamp is free (you can buy me drinks if you think I'm doing a good job), but you will have to pay for this bootcamp. You will pay for this bootcamp by carrying out the missions I assign you each week. These missions are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for you to come on bootcamp. If you don't do the missions, I simply cannot teach you. Missions will consist of doing things that are designed to push your comfort zones. They are designed to break you down. You must come to me like pliable clay. I have to sear off the chode filters and socially conditioned egos you guys all currently have. After 4 weeks of missions, I will be able to take you on BC and give you everything you need for a lifetime of success with women.

I'm not blowing moonbeams up your asses. Literally, do what I tell you, show up to bootcamp, commit 100 percent to this, and you will NEVER be same again. Deep identity level change. You will no longer be a chode. You'll start getting the rockstar results I know you're all capable of. Models, 10s, literally the ability to pull any girl you want, whenever you want. Meeting girls will become a JOKE.

But, you have to be willing to lose everything. This is not going to be easy. At all. you guys probably won't like me. The shit I'm going to make you do is going to hurt, going to make you question to goodness of humanity. But it's the only way I can get you guys to where you want to be.

Enough foreplay. Today is Wednesday. I am giving you until Sunday to decide. And I mean REALLY THINK about if this is what you want. I am going to DESTROY your old identity. You can't EVER hide behind excuses or bullshit or stories as to why you're not living up to your destiny as a sex-worthy guy. This is it. This is getting the change to step the fuck up and have to control your fate. Read my signature over. That's what this is about.

Here are the logistics. You let me know by Sunday (9/21) at noon if you accept my conditions. Missions will begin Monday 9/22. I will send an email every Sunday night, outlining the weeks missions. You report back, posting your progress of the missions AT LEAST once a week on my private blog. If you don't do the missions or don't report back, you don't go on BC. If you lie about doing the missions, I will know 10 minutes into BC (trust me, I can look at someone and know if they did the missions), and will kick you off BC. This is only for dudes SERIOUS about change. If you accept my conditions, carry out the missions, report back, and show up to BC, here are the dates of bootcamp:

Friday, October 24, 9p.m. - 3a.m.
Saturday, October 25, 5p.m. - 3a.m.
Sunday, October 26, Noon - 5p.m.

In the meantime, here are your reading assignments:
My bootcamp with jlaix:
My 30-day challenge (on going) with Golden Child:
My post archive at VA
My post archive on NYC Sarge
Read: Way of the Superior Man by David Deida
Read: The Power of Now (Tolle)
A New Earth (Tolle)
Watch the movie Fight Club

Updates to come...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Being Different.

Well, I'm in an environment where I'm the only Asian kid (who isn't adopted) here. Sucks? Nah. I actually like the feeling.

Anyways, I wanna speak about how being different helps with general value. Since I am isolated here, I've been experiencing a lot of cool things just for being different. As much as I hate being called different from anybody, it's pretty obvious if I'm the flame in the surrounding water.

Being different:

1) One advantage that I have is using my race to get to a statement. A kid here racially slurred me with, "Speak English." I, in return, turned that around on him and he got into big trouble with the multi-ethnic committee here. Oh well for him.

2) Being different in a non-diverse setting is really cool. I get plenty of approach invitations and interest indicators because I'm, well, different. Most of the girls here are really intrigued by guys they were never really around. A lot of high value males here, but none who are high valued and diverse as I am. It's really easy for me to approach and get shit tested. You know when you get shit tested, it means that she fuckin' wants you BAD.

3) Since I stand out so damn much, some people ask me how do I do it. Simple. Being different, (and not by just my race), I tend to live out of the stereo-types. Think about it. If I were to wear diamonds, wear Abercrombie and Fitch (I modeled there so I dunno how that would really work), and have a preppy style haircut, I'm deemed to be the typical rich Asian boy. However, I dress in business casual and whatever the fuck I like because I like the way I look in the style I wear. Most guys tend to forget this and live in the stereo-type of how they (as a group like a football player, prep, etc.) are generalized by society. Some girls may not like preppy boys, but if you dress preppy and the prettiest girl in the crowd is tired of preppy boys, do you think it's really that easy to talk to her? No, it isn't. Your value would disintegrate.

Having your own individual shapes how things work around you. If you're a cool dude, everyone would want to be cool with you because you're a cool dude. If you're a dick, then nobody wants to chill with you. Get my point? Being different is more along the likes of shaping yourself to a position where you're most comfortable with yourself and society and expressing it in a way where you're not at a disadvantage.

For me, I have a don't give a shit attitude. I dress like a movie star, I talk to people by giving them value, and I am known as being the cool guy around who girls want to fuck. Simple statement. Being different has its advantages, so if there are any guys who are still chode about leaving their comfort zones (the negative aspects of it), they won't ever have a way of experiencing their own individual.

Being different doesn't mean that you're supposed to stand out entirely. Being different is showing off your own expressions and attitude to the world in your OWN way. Don't wear a shirt that everyone wears because, well, everyone's wearing it. Wear a shirt that expresses you. Don't speak in another person's dialect. Speak in your own tongue. You get the point.

As for the attitude, I'm tired of meeting insecure dudes. Insecurity is so fuckin' overrated that it's not even a joke anymore. These guys swear they're cool, swear they're getting somewhere, swear they're gonna be a something; however, they're nothing. They don't know how to get past a comfort zone that has a negative impact.

An example I can use would be this dude, Jason. He looks pretty dorky, walks like he's anti-social, and has issues with himself. I saw a group of people here mess with him and I decided to do something about it by teaching Jason how to get women. So, I had a brief moment with Jason and I found out everything. Everytime I tried to tell him, "Hey look, you know you're still in your little 'zone'," he tries to qualify himself to me. From there, I spotted the insecurity. High valued males never qualify to anyone 'cause it doesn't fuckin' matter.

So, anyone who is scared of finding themselves, you guys need to really get out and explore. And when that happens, you've found your identity.

Thanks for reading.
